Will take place on December 11, in the central Potsdamer Platz in the German capital, the sixth edition of the Rethinking the Product project, sponsored by the Chambers of Commerce of Lucc , Pisa, Prato, Pistoia and Terni, involving 46 companies and 16 designers (10 of which coming form the Florence and Rome Accademia Italiana Arte, Moda e Design). The creative group has produced 30 prototypes for 8 areas: Kids, Kitchen, Living, Bedroom, Light, Office, Garden and Shop, which, added to the 140 of the previous editions, confirm the success of a business model that optimizes resources of the craft, international pride of Made in Italy. By unifying these dimensions under the direction of a team of young and attentive designers the desired result is a new form of hybrid production, intersection of craft, design and technology, but with a human side, containing all the new values of sustainability, energy conservation, resource recovery, beauty and accessibility.

The action plan put in place by Rethinking the Product is to call each designer to implement a project which makes reference to at least two companies of very different sectors: this will cause to rethink product innovation to create and stimulate collaboration between companies ready to accept the challenge of change and creativity. In addition, during the planning, the companies will share their expertise in terms of materials and production, dealing with young designers so that the creative and technological growth is bilateral, in a general idea where all the forces are joined to create products really compelling and innovative .

All this without forgetting one of the most important aspects: marketing. If in fact the close ties with companies will help to move from the prototype stage to the finished product, and the event will take place under the eyes of buyers, importers, interior designers, architects and managers of e-commerce and design shop .

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