The exhibition “Producto Fresco. Design made in Madrid” will be on display until March 24th 2019 at Central de Diseño / Matadero Madrid.
Opened in the month of February, which in Madrid is synonymous with creation, coinciding with the Madrid Design Festival and Feria ARCO, brings together more than 60 pieces within the categories of Designers, Companies, In Process, Students.The youngest category Academic Project intended to expand the opportunities and enrich the creative potential of young students with an interest in design. The guest of the 2019 edition is Andalucia, with the support of AAD (Association of Designers of Andalucia).
The exhibition, whose display design has been generated by the faculty and students of the Master´s in Architectural Communication (MACA), of the Polytechnic University of Madrid and Complutense University, is a DIMAD project that aims to showcase annually the best of product design made in the last year by designers in Madrid. The public will get to know pieces of various kinds, offering a global and heterogeneous vision of the application of design in products.
In the Designers category, the visitors can find designs by internationally known designers, such as Álvaro Catalán de Ocón, Belén Moneo, Ciszak Dalmas and ENORME studio.
For Companies category, furniture pieces made from discarded elements such as “Botox” by MARIANO:and “Seed Wooden Planter” by Fermina Garrido, made with upcycled plastic bottles and wooden fruit boxes:
In the In Process category, we have lighting pieces such as “Suni”, an interactive lamp by Singular Design and “Scribble” in which the user can adapt their own lighting system.
Cristina Vallejo (ELSURdesign) has made a reconstruction of the Roorkhee chair resulting in “Armchair RSC”:Finally, the designs of young students such as “Astroland”, a re-adaptation of an existing helmet created by Eider Fernández (ESNE) for different atmospheric pressure:
and “NEO” by Miguel Martínez Cerro (ETSAM), a furniture design with sincere expression and without make-up, could not go missing:
The complete list of participants:
Álvaro Catalán de Ocón, Anónima by cm, Belén Moneo, Carlos Jiménez Sánchez, Carmelo Rodríguez/ENORME Studio, Ciszak Dalmas, Chele Esteve Sendra, Ricardo Moreno Cuesta, Eugenia Boscá Mirallesy JosePlá Mellado, Daniel García Studio, Dsignio, Fermina Garrido, y Fermín Garrido, Ignacio Hornillos, Juan Ruiz-Rivas Cuesta, Juan Santos, Lala de Dios/Indigo Estudio Textil, María de Andrés, Mariana Aguirre, MARIANO, Miguel Hernández Cañadas, Noviembre Estudio, Nuria Blanco, Óscar Beade Pereda y Pablo Carballal, Paredes Pino, Paula Currás, Álvaro Carrillo y Lluís Alexandre Casanovas, Vanesa Moreno/OOO My Design
BY TECHDESIGN, Mosaista, Photoalquimia
In Process
Adrian Machado, Alberto Vera, Conjuntos Empáticos, Cristina Vallejo/El Sur, Estudio Disolvente/Pilar Acón y Javier Arregui, José Ávila, Joyce Morales /JoyLand Studio, Juan Antonio Fuentes Muñoz, Juan Miguel Lorite Font/Active Traingles, Michelle Vasconcelos, Montserrat Baldó, Octavio Asensio, Paula Trocaola Gómez / Peter Galkin, Sara Mateu, María Rosado, María González, PLACTON, Singular DesignVictoria de la Torre
Alejandro UleciaAusejo / Universidad Nebrija, Ana Ma. Suárez-Anta / IED Madrid, Andrés Rivera Cruz / Universidad Nebrija, Beatriz Cócera Chamorro / ESDMadrid, Cristina Ruiz Hernández / Universidad Nebrija, Daniel Carey Keatings, Cian O’Connor, José Rubén Campillo/ Eider Fernández / ESNE, Lucía Cladd / ESDMadrid, Miguel Martínez Cerro / ETSAM, Pablo Andrés Pedrosa / Universidad Nebrija, Pablo Pastor García /ESNE ,Samuel Funes Garrido / ESADA.
Academic Project
Carlota Bornaechea / ESDMadrid, Julia García Dotel / ESDMadrid, Natalia Catalá / ESDMadrid, Sofía Méndez-Vigo Bermejo / ESDMadrid.