Experimentation with languages technologies, and the collaboration with other disciplines, lead Park Associati – the architectural practice founded in Milan in 2000 by Filippo Pagliani and Michele Rossi – to tackle the most diverse projects with a broad spectrum of interventions, ranging from urban planning to design. Among those, fashion. So next December 19th and 20th it hosts in its Park Hub in via Garofalo 31 in Milan Brodo Christmas Sale.Brodo is a limited collection of utility clothes which draws inspiration from working apparel of the first half of the last century. A production which unites the need for an urban and contemporary lifestyle and the flavour of a historic tradition which reflects the image of an autarchic past, possibly rough on the edges, but in close and linear contact with nature. The choice of operating away from the strict coordinates of seasonal clothing plays along with the pleasure of developing the research of limited available textiles. A path far away from the strict logic of a total look. The collection is inspired by male wearability but is suitable for women as well. An idea, which became a reality, and can be chosen, worn and experienced outside of rules and without any caution.