Designspeaking chose Renault Zoe for moving during Milan Design Week 2014. The newly introduced technology is always prerogative of the few. Innovation and continuous research allow then to democratize it, especially when the benefits of new technology are useful for everyone. This is the case of Renault Zoe, the car that stands as the advent of the electric mobility accessible to everyone. We have seen speeding through the streets of Milan during the Salone del Mobile, presenting itself as the perfect synthesis between Renault’s technological excellence and a compact and seductive design, with flowing lines, dynamic and essential. The front presents its new brand identity, with a blue logo, the headlamps and blue glasses that reveal the electric nature of the car, while interiors are inspired by the concept of Zen purity with soft materials, particularly pleasant to the touch. The main innovation is the Zero Emission mobility: Zoe is designed for 100% electrical operation, ideal for everyday use, with a range of 210 miles. Not at the expense of a fun and serene driving: the vehicle remains manageable thanks to a frame adapted to electric specificities, that for the absence of engine noise and vibration, induce themselves to a more calm and relaxed driving.
Our team speaking Fri, 18 Apr 2014 / © All rights reserved