Until June 15 in Jerusalem, one of the world’s most famous cities which is fastbecoming a hub of contemporary, international design, will be held the sixthannual design festival. The Jerusalem Design Week (JDW) is an initiative of Hansen House -Center for Design, Media and Technology, and sponsored by The Jerusalem DevelopmentAuthority in cooperation with the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage, and theJerusalem Municipality. The theme for this year – explored through various thematicexhibitions, programmes and collaborations in multiple locations, is Islands, a reflection upon aglobal shift into an inward looking world of nations, communities, individualsand a redefinition of the notion of political, cultural and social barriers. Jerusalem,a city built on seven hills and home to a multitude of culturally diversecommunities, is in fact both physically and virtually a collection of islands,manifested through a multi-pollard existence which has defined Jerusalem sinceancient times. The shift into an inward looking world of nations, communities andindividuals and the redefinition of barriers have been overarching themes ofour time. With growing immigration, nationalism and diminishing sense ofsecurity and safety, globalisation is replaced with the search for belongingand the familiar, a phenomenon that is currently taking place in both thephysical and the online world. Recognising these current socio-political trends, Jerusalem DesignWeek aims to start a conversation on how design addresses these notions andencourages cultural exchange and understanding by inaugurating a series ofprogrammes to be continued for future festivals which will be interpretedthrough each year’s theme. Led by Artistic Director, Anat Safran and Chief Curator, Tal Erez, andmanaged by Ayelet Dror for Ran Wolf Urban Planning and Project Management,Jerusalem Design Week’s curatorial team invited over 50 designers, both Israeliand international to create new works, installations and projects that wouldaddress the main Islands theme.By creating unique ties and collaboration with institutions and partners fromaround the world, Jerusalem Design Week focuses on extending the dialogue onissues both unique to Jerusalem as well as globally, with a strong emphasis onthe social aspects of design and its possibility to influence both identity andcommunity. “Our goal is to create amulti-channel platform for designers from all disciplines to express theircreativity by exploring a yearly theme. The complexity of the place we live andwork in, combined with an effervescent creative energy is a fertile ground foran extraordinary and unique design experience. This year, Jerusalem Design WeekIslands is celebrating and embracing the power of design and its unique abilityto transcend international borders, evoking dialogue from more than 100 of theworld’s most diverse and creative minds.”– Anat Safran, Artistic Directorof Jerusalem Design Week.