An admirable example of success based on creativity, where design and architecture inspire social behaviors and constitute tangible values for both the residents and the many tourists who visit each year, Barcelona is a city that invites you to spend time outdoors and to enjoy its cultural and creative traditions. A region with a Mediterranean character that creates interior and exterior spaces by way of the best design and innovations characteristic of a 21st-century capital of international scope.
For the first time in Milan – organized by Catalonia Trade&Investment and BCD Barcelona Centro de Diseño, with the display area interpreted by Emiliana Design Studio – the exhibition of Catalan brands and designers “Inspired in Barcelona: in & out” offers a 360° immersion in the lifestyle of a city where design is everywhere: from benches to lighting systems and from paving to bus shelters to green spaces, every detail is designed with great attention to aesthetic and functional quality. The patio and the portico of the prestigious Palazzo Isimbardi perfectly express the varied inflections of the different forms that make Barcelona an exciting and restless metropolitan hub recognized the world over. In the courtyard of the 17th-century complex the vivacity of the city’s rhythms and its outdoor spaces are expressed: under a structure of slender and colorful roller shutters, reminiscent of one of Barcelona’s most popular elements, small lounges have been recreated with outdoor products. Extending along the portico you’ll find space for indoor furniture, positioned on platforms that emphasize their distinctive mark.
And, in the year of the Euroluce, the lighting fixtures also play a leading role within this showcase. Some of the products are true design icons and have received the most celebrated accolades, bringing international visibility to the creativity of a metropolis that is home to more than 1800 companies involved in the sector. Conceived to showcase the potential that Barcelona can express in this sphere, the exhibition offers a selection of ninety products with the desire to accompany visitors on a unique journey of discovery into the best of Catalan design and a unique way of interpreting the surroundings.
Palazzo Isimbardi
Corso Monforte 35
From 4th to 9th April, from 10 am to 7 pm
Opening event: 4th April from 7 pm to 11 pm