It ”s summer and it’s time to decorate terraces and gardens. Your terrace or garden is small or big, it does not matter. The design has been thinking how to decorate the outdoors of you all, and to live as gardens and outdoor spaces for this fantastic summer this year is a little desire.
Here a selection, they will reach many others, the best it has in the market with good value for money. You can in fact go further to read this article by clicking on the BUY button that will take you directly to the pages of our partners Design2Love! We wish you good reading and a good summer shopping!
Now we tell you two of the companies in this new digital project!
Extraordinary objects, which are shaped by the principles of beauty and functionality.
Quality and style for the home and for contract design, indoor and outdoor. The collection 21st Design Lab represents a travelogue where engineers and designers are like sailors who venture into the open seas into the unknown. Their aim is to explore. Supercake instead runs, with cross-cutting approach, complex projects of different nature and scale, from the preliminary stage to the executive, working as a team with a number of experienced consultants and trust. The team Supercake pays particular attention to the design method, understood as a circular process: the sensitivity to the problems and resources, flexibility of thought, originality, the ability of analysis and synthesis, intuition, the redefinition of driving time once in the project and its realization aware. These and many other Italian companies can be found on the website !