Casadecor – the interior decoration platform that has been concluded recently in Madrid – hosted last Eli Gutiérrez Studio’ installation: Espacio Gancedo.“Spectrum, an installation made up of 23 colour bands of different fabrics that wrap and hug us once we reach the entrance hall of the building. For this, it has been inspired by a spectrum: a band of various colours that are formed when sunlight passes through a prism and is allowed to meet on a white screen, just as happens with the rainbow, naturally.
Creating an attractive metaphor that simplifies evolution, the brand’s future project. In his space installation, the arrow of time that linked Gancedo to that space decomposes, like a white light, into a large multiplied rainbow. In it, the brand is no longer that place but a living, diverse, open project projected into a future full of new colours and textures of freedom.
A ‘prelude to well-being’ in which everyone can choose their colour and make their own emotions it gives us.”